Sunday, March 28, 2010


So this last week has been filled with both joy and heart ache.....first Mr. J and Miss A were removed and gone to a family in Brownwood, still under CPS. That was very sad when they left. It is like part of your family is gone and you will probbally never know what happens. They had become part of our family and even though Mr. J had his moments they blessed us all and they will be missed. They will live in our hearts for ever and always be apart of the family.

They joy that came this week is that all paper work is in and the transition paperwork is beginning to bring my new granddaughter home. That,s right Brandi and Brandon are adopting again!!!!!! She is a beautiful little girl and like Matthew special needs. She was born premature and has club feet with little sensation in her legs.......But she is a joy. Her name will be Lillian Autumn Grace Fought. Such a big name for such a little girl......

I am very proud of my kids......they do no have a fear for special needs but a geniune love for them. They have taught me not to be afraid they are just like everyone else with different ways of mobility, communicating, and showing you love. It has been a joy to have Matthew in my life and all our lives....his is an amazing little boy who has just surpassed all the original doctors expectations. I know he will be mobile someday. We connected to him from the minute we saw him. We connected with Autumn Grace at that moment also.

They have taught me not to look at what they cant do but at what the can and to push a little further. God has blessed me with five grand kids and now just four (with out Mr. J and Miss A) and I have enjoyed each and every one.

I am the luckiest tell them you love them, cherish and respect them for who they are and most of all thank God for them......each and every one is a blessing from Him.

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